Research Experiences
Pelatihan Teknis Governansi Pengelolaan Perguruan Tinggi Angkatan I-IV, Pusdiklat Pegawai Kemendikbudristek, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia
Microcredential Certification for Data Scientist, Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia November-Desember 2021 (url)
Courses Taught
2021/2022 – 2nd term
2021/2022 – 1st term
2020/2021 – 2nd term
Technical Program Committee
Scientific Reviewer and Subreviewer
2018: SoSE 2018; IEEE Cloud 2018
2017: KICSS 2017; ICITCS 2017; IEEE ICWS and Cloud conferences 2017.
2016: MobiSPC-2016; UIC 2016; ICWS 2016; RW-BPMS2016; ICEBE 2016.
Organizational and Voluntary works